My motivation behind the camera is to capture the joy of life as it happens. Great stories come out of a series of real moments and feelings. I use an unobtrusive photojournalistic style to document the beauty and uniqueness of your day as it unfolds. I love every part of the emotion and ritual of weddings: the bride preparing for the ceremony, the groom’s face when he sees her, and the warmth of family and friends as they celebrate the couple. Pictures speak a language of their own. Your wedding day photos will become a living part of your family history, and my goal is to create images that truly capture your flair and commitment.

When I’m not shooting weddings, I divide my time between my birth-town of Paris and my chosen home of Vancouver. I’m blessed to live beside the ocean and the rain-forest of Stanley Park. I love spending time outdoors, enjoying the variety of experiences that life and photography have to offer.

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Fabrice's Vancouver Wedding Photography Blog - Engagement Photo Galleries

Spring Specials!  Free engagement shoots until June 20 with all wedding photography packages